General Disclaimer of Applicability/Suitability/Results

America Forward, LLC, their affiliates and subsidiaries, have used their best efforts in preparing the content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites. America Forward, LLC, their affiliates and subsidiaries make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites. The content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in the content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites, you explicitly agree to take full responsibility for your actions.

Since America Forward, LLC doesn’t know your background, your financial situation, or your work habits, we cannot predict or guarantee the results you will get from using our products or services, or third-party products or services we recommend. Success at anything takes time, effort and resources. The more of these you invest in this or any business endeavor, the more successful you will be.

The content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites was obtained from sources believed to be reliable and great care was taken to provide accurate information. However, America Forward, LLC, their affilliates and subsidiaries are not responsible for the correctness of the information contained in any content offered at America Forward, LLC-associated websites, or in their products or services, or in any third-party products or services they recommend, nor are they engaged in rendering legal, tax, accounting or medical advice. You are urged to seek competent legal, accounting, tax, medical or other appropriate services, if applicable.

All content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites is provided for educational purposes only and may contain anecdotal, rather than third-party verified or factual information. Some statistics cited are based on experiences of America Forward, LLC, their clients, or accepted industry norms, and may not be supported by documented research.

Use of any and all content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites is strictly and solely your responsibility. Any money that you choose to invest to implement the methods described in content, products or services offered at America Forward, LLC-associated web sites shall be spent at your sole risk. All business decisions involve some degree of risk. Therefore, use common sense and do not spend any money in connection with this or any business activity that you cannot afford to lose.

Any and all forward looking statements displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s. In fact, no guarantees are made or implied that you will achieve any positive results whatsoever from acting on any advice, techniques or ideas contained in any content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites.

Some of the people who have provided testimonials or endorsements displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites may have been compensated in some manner for providing such testimonials or endorsements.

America Forward, LLC, their affiliates and subsidiaries disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose of the content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites. America Forward, LLC, their affiliates and subsidiaries shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites, which is provided "as is", and without warranties.

All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.

The content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites is copyrighted by America Forward, LLC. No part of any content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites may be copied, or changed in any format, sold, or used in any way other than what is outlined within the content displayed on, downloadable from, emailed or physically delivered in conjunction with America Forward, LLC-associated websites under any circumstances.